


The review process include 5 steps which are:

  • Receive invitation to review
  • Accept invitation
  • Review manuscript
  • Complete review online
  • Submit review


To make the reviewing process easy, the editor-in-chief hopes that the reviewer gives his comments highlighted in the manuscript file copy as follow:





 Or as follow:




This research looks into the settlements of the western desert of Egypt as a perfect example of the heritage of vernacular architecture heritage since the architectural characteristics of the vernacular architecture of the western desert oases are integrated within the design, and morphology of their settlements.  The vernacular architecture provides an insight of their social and cultural values, along with their traditions and norms of the local communities since these aspects are considered of great influence on the design of such oases. The urban fabric of the oases and building morphologies also reflects how the dwellers addressed the harsh environmental conditions that are associated with the desert environment and how they solved these problems using natural resources, local materials, and innovative building techniques technologies. this significant architectural identity needs to be preserved, revitalized and reused both as a witness on the sophistication of the ancient desert civilizations and as a potential aspect from a social and economic point of views. Nowadays this heritage is at the threat of disappearance, with the globalization process this vernacular heritage is at risk, the worldwide architectural modern approach is diminishing the characteristics of vernacular