Review Article: Blood Proteins as Potent Biomarkers for Colorectal Carcinoma

Document Type : Review Article


1 Chemistry department , portsaid university , faculty of science , Egypt .

2 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Division, National Research Center

3 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt

4 Biotechnology Research Center, 23 July St., Industrial Zone, New Damietta




Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the 3rd most frequent epithelial tumor globally which affect millions of people. Since this tumor transformed slowly from removable precancerous lesions, lesion diagnosing at an early stage can decrease the incidence of malignancy related mortality. Although colonoscopy markedly improves CRC detection rate, it is inconvenient and expensive. Thus, novel non-invasive biomarkers are needed to enable us to early detect CRC. Colorectal carcinoma is a complex process involving several changes in proteomic and genomic levels. From another hand, easy clinical samples particularly blood samples contain many secretory proteins. These up regulated proteins enhanced carcinogenesis, including cancer cells adhesion, migration and invasion. Continuing intense study in this research area promises emergence of novel superior non-invasive CRC screening markers that will allow the development of improved CRC prevention strategies. This review focuses on different secretory protein CRC biomarkers.

Key Words:

Colorectal cancer, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Blood, Proteins, Biomarker.


Main Subjects