An Updated Checklist oOf Tintinnids (Order: Choreotrichida) in the North Western Coast of the Red Sea at Hurghada

Document Type : Original Article


1 Marine Science Department, Faculty of Science, Port Said University

2 Marine Science Department, Faculty of Science, Port Said University.

3 Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The present study aims to provide an updated check list of tintinnid species in the north western Red Sea of Egypt. Plankton samples were taken monthly from 12 stations of Hurghada coast of the Egyptian Red Sea during the period from August 2014 to July 2015. Plankton nets of 20 µm mesh size were used in collecting samples, then samples fixed on board in 4% buffered formalin. A total of 149 species of tintinnids belonging to 12 families and 36 genera of the order Choreotrichida were identified based on the morphological features. Families Codonellidae, Tintinnidae, and Codonellopsidae had the higher number of species (40, 28 and 20 species, respectively), constituting collectively around 60% of the total number of recorded species. The highest number of genera was represented in Family Tintinnidae (8), while the highest number of species was representedin Genus Tintinnopsis (34).Further studies are needed to explore the species composition of this important group of zooplankton that helps to understand dynamics of zooplankton community and the food chain in the marine environment.


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